And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
— Anaïs Nin


Hello Wellness:
Where traditional therapy meets soul-centered healing through a generous array of holistic offerings.

We believe that talk therapy and traditional evidence-based practices alone are incomplete. Our holistic, ecological systems approach integrates the mind, body, and soul elements in your wellbeing journey, allowing health to be fostered by accessing your innate wisdom.

  • At Hello Wellness, we do wellness different. While we are all highly trained clinicians with a firm grounding and belief in research and science, we also trust intangibles that connect our clients to a greater sense of meaning and purpose.

    We offer 1:1 psychotherapy sessions as well as classes, workshops, presentations, events and retreats to reach our clientele in formats that are accessible and appropriate for their specific interests and goals. Our offerings range widely, including no & low cost on-line yoga & meditation, psychotherapy covered by Medicaid & insurance, plus premium events that help fund our services with broader reach.

    We honor your lived experience, social identity, and unique humanity and offer services in English & Spanish.

    Our practitioners see, hear, and feel with you, fostering wellness that transcends external measures. We cultivate the whole health that provides ease and equanimity in the face of whatever life offers.

    Our services are appropriate for people of all faith backgrounds, inclusive of folks who embrace atheistic and agnostic meaning making systems. We follow the thread of curiosity and interest in you, your story, and your beliefs in our person-centered approach.

    Clinically trained and guided by ancient and universal wisdom, we prioritize helping you access and harness your own deepest insights.

There are many ways you can work with us.

Depending on your individual needs and wellness goals, we offer coaching packages, professional mentorship, individual and family psychotherapy, clinical supervision, and opportunities to practice yoga, mindfulness and meditation within a supportive community or from the comfort of home. Hello Wellness also offers retreats and other events in partnership with local and global organizations, connecting you with what is possible.

Hello, You Belong Here.

With confidence, care and compassion, Hello Wellness helps people transform their lives. We welcome every person in search of solace and healing amongst the simultaneous beauty and messiness of life. 

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